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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Remember, It's the Simple Things That are Significant....

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This is a lovely quote that simply reminded me of the important things in life... ♥

"At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict, or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, or a parent."

-- Barbara Bush

It is so perfectly true isn't it?

Just a little something for this Wordy Wednesday to remind you of what is important and to hopefully nudge you to slow down a bit, enjoy your life to the fullest and to remember what it was like when you were little. Remember way back when, when you were still in awe of the simple things in life, like the flowers blooming in spring, the way the wind blew through your hair when you were racing around the neighbourhood on your bike, how fascinating the ants were as they busily bustled down the sidewalk, the way the clouds floated by in the sky? Don't ever stop being in awe and don't ever forget it is the simple things in life that are significant.

I hope you are all having a wonderful week!

With love and light ♥,


  1. ummm.....i don't know ANYONE that has anything bad to say about barbara bush....regardless of their political position...Mrs. Bush is a wife, mother,grandmother, and advocate for childrens causes above and beyond any public office her husband or sons may have held...

  2. :o) Good morning! I didn't say anything bad about Barbara Bush.

    You are right Anonymous, she is a grandmother, wife, mother, advocate and she is also a very, very savvy politician herself - most political wives are, even if it is from behind the scenes.

    For the record as well, you'll be hard pressed to find me quoting many politicians no matter what party they represent as I am rather distrustful of them all. :o)

    That being said, I re-read my opening paragraph and it was unnecessarily snarky in a rather passive agressive way and I didn't mean it to come across that way *at all*, so I have changed it.

    We're all about open and honest communication here and respect all opinions even if they are different than our own, there is no reason to hide behind an "Anonymous" label around these parts. If you have something to say good or bad feel free to be yourself! :o)

  3. So true. Definitely something to remember always :)
    Hope you're having a beautiful day.
