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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

In Search Of Soul Food...

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I am having an incredible time here this week on Vancouver Island. I feel so much more grounded and focused and I seem to have recaptured that feeling of being alive and awake and alert and as a very wise person has said, feeling much better than before. :o)

This is the trip my spirit and soul needed to heal - I am so glad I listened to my intuition and got on that plane even though I miss my husband and kids desperately. I feel like I have been set back on the right path again and I am reminded of the journey I want to take in my life. I want to help people. I want to write, I want to talk, I want to BE.

The invigorating feeling of inspired knowing is an amazing thing to capture and then to learn how to hold on to it, as I have this week, is golden.

The sun is shining and the wind is whispering to come outside and play. As much as I want to shout from the blog-o-sphere about my trip and the simple soul lessons I've learned so far, I will have to wait until I am home next week to let my fingers fly across the keyboard. :o)

Instead I will leave you with these words from a man who was ahead of his time and I wish on so many levels I could have met:

"Life is not a journey in time, it is a journey in awareness." ~ Jose Silva

I hope you are all having an amazing week like I am.

With love and light always,

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