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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Home Organization with 31 Days to Clean, FlyLady, and Organization Junkie

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Home Organization - sometimes I am so 'on the ball', it's downright scary. Other times, I feel like a hamster spinning on a wheel a little too close to the edge (which is also downright scary).

Every spring and fall I do my usual internet searches for home organization websites, printable calendars, and any other information I can get my sticky fingers on.

My three favorites are (in no particular order):

Homemakers Challenge - 31 Days to Clean
 31 Days to Clean is a fabulous option for Christian homemakers (or non-Christian homemakers!) for the month of May. I know it's the 5th - don't panic! The first week is fairly easy to do, so you can catch up in one day if you have a few hours. Stop rolling your eyes. :P Or simply jump in today. Don't look back - don't worry about what you've missed - jump in with both feet today. Or tomorrow. But no later. :)

If you haven't heard of FlyLady, I welcome you to our planet. :D
She also has a monthly schedule to help get you started. The very first step is to shine your sink and you go from there. She starts small - on the first day, shine your sink. Day 2 - when you wake up, fix your hair and face (make up in not necessary, but give it a wash and moisturize), and then you move on to your home - she covers everything from taking control of the clutter in your purse, car, and home to making a control journal - a binder that contains all of the information you could possibly need - at your fingertips.

And finally, a fellow Albertan: I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Organizing Junkie

I'm an Organizing Junkie has an unbelievable 52 Weeks of Organizing 'assignments' or things to think about that she posts every Friday. Along with this, she hosts a link party so you can post what you've done on your own blog and link it up to her site. I love reading through various posts to see progress others are making. Again, feel free to jump right in!

Do you have a favorite site that help you organize your life? Share it! We'd love to take a peek at it.



  1. Erin used to be a Flybaby... good times. Never go to bed with a dirty kitchen sink (the rest will follow).

  2. Chad, I'm afraid my sink is now dirty and I'm headed to bed... wish me luck for tomorrow night! :)

