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Friday, May 6, 2011

The Family Dinner and Winner of the Butterfly June Giveaway

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Let's start with the winner of this gorgeous butterfly necklace from Butterfly June.  Danielle B-K will receive the Purple Hairstreak Butterfly necklace, as shown below!

Are you a family that dines together on a regular basis, or do you come and go at different times for soccer, ball, dance, art lessons, and everything else that is squeezed into your schedule?  I am happy to say that we have always eaten dinner together - sure, there is the odd day it doesn't work, but it's rare.  DH is home around 5:30 which allows us time to eat together before heading out to various activities.  On the days we have to leave before he gets home, the kids and I eat together and leave him a plate.  It works well for us.

If you're a family who has a hard time sitting down together for dinner, I highly recommend this book:

The Family Dinner: Great Ways to Connect with Your Kids, One Meal at a Time

I do want to share a excerpt from the book (page 15) that I think is so powerful.  It really, really shocked me (in a good way!):

"Be home for dinner by six" is a command that comes not from home but from the top brass of the U.S. Army.  In this case, Fort Hood, America's largest military base.  The policy, initially issued by Lieutenant General Rick Lynch to all soldiers stationed there, acknowledges the importance of family dinner.  "It does more than make everyone happy," Lynch says.  "It creates a more resilient soldier, one less likely to abuse drugs or alcohol, injure himself in a traffic accident, or fall to suicide."  Since the policy was instituted in February 2009, Fort Hood has seen a noticeable reduction in traffic accidents and suicides.  And it's an order service members and their families really look forward to following.

Photo Credit

I will leave you with one thought:  If grown men and women are benefiting so much from having dinner with the spouse and children, how much do you think your kids would benefit from having dinner with their mom and dad?

Do you have family dinners?  Tell us about them!



  1. Congrats to the butterfly necklace winner. I'm going to order one! I'm going to try to find that book. Love the excerpt and think I will share. My family needs to try just a little harder and maybe turn off the tv for dinner. Small goals.

  2. Julie, you're absolutely right - small steps are the way to make changes. :)

    Thanks for reading.

  3. I love that excerpt! And the fact that they actually observed the positive effects. Thanks for the recommendation!

  4. @melissasmeanderings

    Melissa, I was honestly blown away by it - I couldn't believe that such a 'rule' would exist in any workplace. So powerful on the positive side!

