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Thursday, April 28, 2011

I had a mama breakdown so I booked a plane ticket...

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:D  I'm sitting in the airport right now. By myself. {insert giddy smile here} Woot!

I realized, enough is enough, it's been my year from hell and I deserve a break already, ya know?!

I made sure my angel of a BFF could watch the kidlets on Monday and Tuesday if my hubby was working (I knew my dad could watch them tomorrow) then I went online without telling anyone but my Aunt and my BFF 'T' and booked a plane ticket to Vancouver Island.

For 8 days.

By myself!!!!! :D


I get to hang with my awesome wonderful family and just 'be'. Not only that, I am totally excited to be going to some Silva Meditation and Intuition classes. :D

So yes, I'm sitting in the airport right now just enjoying the fact I don't have to keep an eye on anyone or do anything. I'm just hoping my kids are easy on my Dad tomorrow and don't have him running for the hills by lunch... ;o)

I'm just waiting to get on the plane.

By myself.


Oh and I apologize in advance for any weird formatting errors! :P I logged in with my iPad and realized I had to write this in Bloggers HTML tab so I can't actually see what it looks until it's posted. On that note, can anyone recommend a good blogger app? :D


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