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Friday, April 29, 2011

2011 Canadian Election, Winner of Blue Jane's Collection, and a Giveaway by Butterfly June!

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(I'm thanking our good friend, Lisa, for giving me the brain-power for today's Friday Finds!)

 My finds this week are of a different nature. Sure, they're websites, but not just any websites.  On May 2, Canadians will vote in a national election. I'm sharing the websites for various polical parties in Canada.

I implore you to take advantage of our right to vote for our democratic government. The voter turnout in our last election in 2008 was the lowest in history (58.8%), aside from the election in 1898 (44.6%) - yep - you read that right - since 1898! *insert jaw-drop here* 

My fellow Canadians, that is a disgrace and if you didn't vote in 2008, I beg of you to finish reading this post, decide which party you feel is the best for your community and our country and head out to the polls on Monday. 
Photo Credit

Ladies - Do you take the time to listen to your daughter speak to you?  Do you value her opinion?  Do you take her opinion into consideration?  Did you know that all Canadian women did not have the right to vote until 1960?  1960!  It took nearly 100 years of fighting for the rights of all women to vote.  Can you imagine fighting for your daughter's right to vote?  To be considered worthy of voicing her opinion?  How hard would you fight for it?  If you would fight for your child's right to vote, I urge you to cast your own vote on May 2. 

Don't take our hard-earned right for granted.  VOTE!

I certainly don't want to sway your vote, so you can click here for a list of all Registered and Deregistered Political Parties in Canada, though I've listed the main parties here, in no particular order:

Other sites to note are:

Elections Canada - information on what voters need to know, current and past elections, resources, and political participants. 

Now that I've convinced you that voting on Monday, May 2 is the most important thing you'll do that day, we're moving on to the winner of Blue Jane's super duper, ultra fabulous, upcycled  denim tote!  And the winner is...

Julie Murphy!
And to top things off, I'm happy to say that Laila and I will both be buying a tote and making a donation to support Jane and her efforts. :)

And last, but certainly not least, I'm thrilled to introduce you to Carinne from Butterfly June.   She is the artist behind these incredible butterfly pieces.

Butterfly June is the collaboration of highschool sweethearts, Carinne and Joe Baltzer. Each butterfly is hand-crafted ceramic clay, dried and painted on both sides by Carinne. The unique drying and firing process was developed by Joe. In the past seven years Butterfly June has sold all over the United States including Hawaii and Alaska. Each Butterfly is like a tiny ceramic canvas. Some are painted true to nature while others just for fun! Affordable, beautiful, wearable art! Custom orders welcome, in fact Butterfly June started out with hundreds of designs (birds, rollerskates, wine bottles...) but the Butterflies really took flight!
You'll find more of her creations in her Butterfly June Etsy Shop  - you must stop by to see her wearable art - it's all gorgeous!

Laila and I are very proud to have paired up with her for a giveaway.  Be sure to share this post with your friends so everyone has a chance to win this stunning Purple Hairstreak Butterfly Necklace!

Painted on both sides using a lovely shade of purple and fine lines deep black over crisp white ceramic. The Purple Hairstreak Butterfly measures 1 in. by 1 in. and is the same thickness as a coin. 18" sterling silver chain and gift box included. Makes the perfect gift! Happy Spring!

Let us know (in any or all of these locations) which of her pieces are you favorite and you'll be entered to win!
  1. Comment at the bottom of this post.
  2. Like and comment on our Facebook Page.
  3. Like and comment on Butterfly June's Facebook Page.
Stay tuned next Friday when we announce our winner!



  1. I received my Blue Jane's bag yesterday! It's awesome! I'm going to give it to my soon to be 11 year old daughter for her birthday. It's a great size for her to carry her school things in and I'm positive it will last longer and be easier to clean than her little bookbag she uses now. She can even personalize the bag with drawings or some "bedazzling"! Thanks again! I will be spreading the word on Blue Jane's!

  2. Also, the butterfly necklaces at Butterfly June's are amazing!! What's not to love about a butterfly! Guess that's why I have a butterfly tattoo. The Florida white and Monarch are fantastic!

  3. @julie murphy

    Julie, that's great news! Thanks for sharing with us! :)
