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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How to Create a Family Mission Statement

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What is a Family Mission Statement, you ask?  It's a statement outlining the objectives and purpose of your family.  It details your family's values and goals.  It's about keeping your family on track and accountable to one another to create your best life, as well acting as a guideline in making family decisions.

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So how do you go about creating a Family Mission Statement? 

Start with discussing a Family Mission Statement with your partner (we'll bring the kids in a bit later).  Discuss what categories you would like to address, such as career, creative outlets, education, marriage, faith or spirituality, etc. 

Your family's mission statement does not have to be elaborate - it simply needs to be significant.

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Find a quiet space where each of you can be alone with your thoughts and jot down what is important to you in each of the categories.

Come back together to discuss your notes.  This may be a very eye-opening experience for you, as you may find that you have different priorities.  Be patient and respectful with your spouse while you compromise as you come up with a master list of priorities.

Next, bring your kids in.  Explain to them what a family mission statement is, and ask for their input.  This is a perfect opportunity for them to feel like they have something to contribute, rather than mom and dad having all the say.  Take them seriously and jot down their thoughts under each topic.  Although mom and dad lay the foundation for the mission statement, it is definately a family effort.  Ask the kids some probing questions such as:
  • what kind of family they would like you to be?
  • What values does your family hold sacred?
  • What goals do you have in mind?
  • What is the feeling you get when you walk into your home?
  • What kinds of things do you like to do together?
Once all the information has been gathered, type up a good copy and post it in a prominent area of your home.  You will want it in an area where each of you will see it every single day.  It won't always be read, but as long as it is seen, it will be in your thoughts and you will use it to guide your actions.

There are many different ways of displaying your family's mission statement - it can be done in bullet point form and pinned to a bulletin board, it can be stuck with a magnet to your fridge.  You could laminate it or matte and frame it.  Keep in mind that it should be presented with dignity and placed with honor to your family, after all, it is what your family is all about.

If you have a Family Mission Statement and would like to share it with us, leave a link in the comments section below.


  1. What a great idea...I can't wait to see examples:)

  2. Melissa, I agree! I can't wait to see them as well!

