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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

eMission - the Facebook Game That is Fun and Makes a Difference!

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It's not very often I will download a Facebook App, especially not a gaming app, but this time I couldn't help it...

Image courtesy of

Have you tried eMission? I found it last night (because you know, I really didn't have enough to do online already *ahem* :Þ) and OMG it is sooooooooooo fun!

I'm going to let the creators of eMission explain this themselves because well, they do it best since it is their product after all. :o)

From their About section on Facebook:

"eMission is a unique Facebook game (currently in Beta) with a social mission that gives you the opportunity to fight climate change! Created by, in partnership with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR program, this game allows you to protect your own coastal habitat online and share your successes with friends.
Here’s how it works: [this is the part I love! ~L.] eMission encourages players to protect their online world by reducing their CO2 in the real world—all while scoring points in the game. To earn the most points and reduce the most CO2, you need to complete the energy-efficient and environmentally friendly offline missions—such as changing incandescent bulbs to ENERGY STAR qualified bulbs; powering down your computers; recycling plastic bags, bottles, or aluminum cans; walking, biking, or taking public transportation instead of driving; and more!"
How cool is that?! To succeed at this game online, you actually have to complete eco friendly tasks offline. Brilliant! I love a good game that won't leave you feeling like you've totally wasted your time. This is also a game that I won't mind my children playing at all and in fact I can't wait to show it to them!

Through finding eMission, I also found the webssite, as I mentioned above, From looking around and checking it out, it is a fabulous website for children and teens that encourages them to get involved by intertwining online and offline activities. You can also pop over and visit them on their Facebook page too. Whatever your child is passionate about, I'm sure they'll find something here that interests them and encourages them to get involved and make a difference!

Happy Tuesday everyone!

With love and light ♥,


  1. What a great idea! I'm gong to check the app out when I get home!

  2. This is awesome! Thanks, Laila. I'll have to check it out.
