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Saturday, February 19, 2011

We Need Your Input - What Not To Say

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We are working on a special series of posts, and we need your input.

The series is somewhat of a sensitive matter that we really believe needs to be addressed. We will be writing about what NOT to say to those in situations different than your own.

This idea was spurred on by the overwhelmingly positive reponse to Laila's What Not To Say To Those Who are Greiving post. It piqued our curiosity to see what else we shouldn't say, though we may be well intentioned. We'd like your input.

Please share with us what people say to you or ask about your family that you find inappropriate or offensive. Topics may include a special need, adoption, death, pregnancy, or anything else that troubles you.

This series will be written with the utmost respect to our contributors and you can trust that we respect your privacy. We are asking that you email your story to us at significantlysimple(at)gmail(dot)com.

Thank you for helping us to strengthen the trust families have in their communities.


  1. I had recently found out that I may be able to have children. I confided in a friend when I found out. She responded, "Well, you can always adopt." She clearly disregarded the upset I was feeling from hearing this news. She also ignored the fact that this may affect my most near and dear relationship. I couldn't believe that she found such a convenient solution to such a personal and sadden problem without batting an eye or demonstrating a caring gesture.

  2. Do not relate the death of a loved one to the death of a pet. It is not the same. It will never be the same.

  3. Do not make suicide jokes in front of a person that has recently suffered the loss of a family member or close friend through suicide. It is not funny in the most distanced circumstances and it is especially not funny to someone who has lost someone that way.

  4. Don't analyze whether a funeral due to suicide or natural causes is "more" sad with someone who just had a couple of family members die due to both causes. That shows a clear lack of discretion for the person suffering with the loss of important family memebers

  5. Thank you for sharing your thoughts - I am sorry that these things were said to you.

    We have taken note of your comments.

