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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Word on Gifts for Teachers

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The end of the school year is drawing near - the school our kids attend has 21 more days of classes - and I think the teachers might be more excited about that than the kids are!

The teachers at our kids's school are fantastic - they each have a teacher and a teacher's aide in the classroom, all of whom the kids completely adore.

We would like to do something for each of them, but as in the past, I'm struggling with what to get for them. You see, I'm not friends with any of them, so I don't know their tastes. Plus, I am practical beyond reason, so I don't want to get them something that they won't use.  So I think we'll leave the bubble bath and pencil holders for someone else and we'll go more along the lines of the ideas below:

Photo Credit

A spring bouquet.  Light, bright, and lovely.  Something your favorite teacher can take home with them to brighten any room.

Photo Credit:  Scholar's Choice
Supplies for the classroom was a suggestion that came directly from a teacher-friend.  She said (and I quote):
We frequent educational teacher's stores often, and spend a lot of money in them....borders, displays, stamps, anything like that would be nice gifts as I would use them the following year. Also craft supplies such as glitter, which the students love but are not usually part of the stock closet, would be great.
And finally, check out these adorable cans filled with the candies of your choosing (by Our Best Bites).  You can find the tutorial here.

Photo by Our Best Bites
If you have any other ideas or tutorials to share, we would love to see them!



  1. These are great ideas for a teacher. I always give teachers gift cards to book or office supply stores. They can buy something for themselves or the classroom. Knowing most teachers, they usually buy stuff for the classroom! :-)

  2. @Handy Man, Crafty Woman

    Thanks for the kind words. :) I am always at a loss as to what to get, so hopefully others will see this post to help them out a bit.

