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Friday, April 22, 2011

The Winner of Chad LaFarge's Fabulous Book and ANOTHER Amazing Give-Away!

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I know I keep saying this, but I really love our website and how we are able to work with and support so many incredibly talented people out there! It feels so good to help others and to give back, in our own small way, each and every week.

Last Friday we reviewed an excellent tech book called What you Need NOW for Search Engine Optimization, by the self published author Chad LaFarge. I've been all over the internet raving about this book, and not because we had a copy to give away this week, but because I think it is truly the best book I have read on SEO and how to have the best website possible. It is when I read through the book and *loved* it that I gushed and gushed to Heather about it and we decided this was too good to keep to ourselves and that we had to share this with our readers (many of whom have their own websites and blogs) and what a better way to do that than with a give away?! :D

So are you all wanting to know who the winners are?

The winners of "What you Need Now for Search Engine Optimization" by Chad LaFarge are Laura from Little Feet in My House and Debbie Smith!

Winners you say? As in more than one?!? :D

Yes we gave two books away! The books are $12.99 on and I realized I could pay 13 bucks for shipping or I could order another one, get free shipping and give two away! I don't know about you, but I'd rather send a book to another fan of ours than spend the money on the shipping costs! :D

~giggle~ I love surprising people this way! ♥

Congratulations to our winners! Make sure you email us your address and we will have it ordered for you today via Amazon! :D

This week as well, we hosted our first ever link sharing party on our Facebook page. It was all about sharing your links, visiting with those who shared by clicking to their sites and showing you care and support their efforts as well, to make this world a better place. We called it our "Share to Show you Care" Party.

The gist of it was, anyone with a blog, website, book, product, service, and anything and everything else in between on the 'web, could come and post the links to their websites, Facebook pages etc on our Facebook wall during the 48 hour time frame the party was held. Once we reached 100 people/companies that shared their link, we would then make a draw from the list of alllll our Facebook fans and one lucky winner would be awarded a $20 gift certificate. But the twist was, the winner had to choose from one of the people/companies that shared their link on our wall to spend the gift certificate at! :D

We didn't quite reach our goal of 100 "shares" (you'll help us reach that goal next time right? :D ), but it was a fabulous link sharing party none the less!

And speaking of fun suprises!

As a special surprise thank you gift we gave away free ad space for 30 days to everyone who came to our party and shared their link with us! It feels good to give back and help others and this was definitely a fun way to do it!

Now, speaking of giving back and helping others, you need to meet the gal we're featuring for this week's "Friday Find"! You'll adore her just like we do!

Meet Jane Ahrens, the lady behind Blue Janes Collection (aka Handbags for Hope ♥)!

Jane is the vision behind Blue Jane' - a collection of denim bags made by Jane herself out of upcycled high quality denim. She has several designs in her Blue Jane's Collection at her Etsy Shop, including a variety of funky purses, cute tote bags, perfect sized pocket purses and mini bags, all of which are adorable and unique!

Now, what made Heather and I fall in love with Blue Jane's, (aside from her cute upcycled denim bags!) is that 100% of every purchase you make from her collection will be donated to charitable organizations.

Yes you read that right - 100%. 

Let me say it again in case you didn't quite catch that the first time... ;o)

100% of every purchase made from her Blue Janes Collection goes directly to charity.

To grab a saying from our friend Holly over at  DomesticDork -  Jane is full of awesome and win and we want to do everything we can to support her! :D

So, when you choose to buy a Blue Janes Collection denim bag made by Jane Ahrens, not only are you helping the environment by purchasing something that has been upcycled, you are giving to organizations that offer people hope.

Don't you just love that? We sure do! :o)

In addition to running, Jane is also a team captain for Relay for Life sponsored by the American Cancer Society. It was back in 2006, that she decided to start Blue Jane's as a way to use her passion and talent to raise money to support Relay for Life.

*happy sigh* ♥

Since 2006, Jane has used 1708 pairs of jeans, has made 1129 bags and given over $10,289 to Relay for Life and Bright Hope International.

Laila and  Heather say, "Jane rocks!"

Of course this all leads us to this weeks give away from the talented Jane Ahrens and her fantabulous Blue Janes Collection!

One lucky person will win this one of a kind tote bag made by Jane herself!

Photo courtesy of Jane Ahrens of Blue Jane Collections on Etsy
"This extra large tote bag is perfect for those trips to the farmer's market this summer. This roomy tote is approximately 16 inches wide by 16 inches in length. The two straps are each approximately 28 inches in length. Added features include roomy front pockets and large back pockets for your keys, cell phone, etc. The removable purple ribbon shows support for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. You can replace with your own ribbon or belt as you like"

In addition to one lucky fan of ours winning this cool little tote bag, Heather and I will also be donating to Blue to show our appreciation and support of Jane and all the amazing things she is doing to give back. ♥

(If you want to know how much we're donating you will have to wait until next Friday when we announce the winner! ;o) I'll give you a hint though, the more entries we have, the bigger our donation! :D)

So how do you enter you ask?

3 simple ways:

Leave a comment here or anywhere on our site letting us know you support Jane and her Blue Janes Collection upcycled denim bags.

Leave a comment on our Facebook page letting us and Jane know (she's a fan of ours too!) that you appreciate all her efforts to help make a difference and support her Blue Janes Collection. :D

Or, you can tell Jane herself!

She just got her fanpage on Facebook set up, so hop on over to her place over there, show her some love and support and let her know you think that what she is doing to help give back is wonderful and you'd love the chance to win an funky, original, one of a kind Blue Jeans Collection bag!

Just make sure to tag us @Significantly Simple when you post on her wall so we know not only are you supporting her, but that you are also wanting to enter the contest. :o)

You can find her fanpage on Facebook right here.

Each comment you make counts as one entry - the more comments you make, the better your chance of winning!

We think supporting Jane and her Blue Janes Bags is a perfect way to celebrate Earth Day!

What are your Earth Day plans? It's actually beautiful and sunny here today so the kids and I are heading to the park for a bit. :D We make sure to bring a garbage bag with us to pick up any litter along the way because it is the little things like that, that add up to make a difference. :D

Have a great Earth Day everyone and please be sure to help spread the word about Jane, her Blue Janes Collection Bags and her fundraising efforts for the American Cancer Society and Bright Hope International!
With love and light ♥,


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