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Monday, April 25, 2011

Meal Planning Monday: Apr 25 - May 1, 2011

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The menu this week is simple.  Very, very simple.  DH will be out of town and a friend is visiting with her young son.  The kids are out of school and since we'll be spending the week catching up, we'll be spending little time in the kitchen.  Yay!  :D

Monday (Vegetarian)
Breakfast - leftovers from whatever was left over in the fridge.  Anything goes.
Dinner - Pasta with Tomato Cream Sauce and tossed salad.

Photo Credit

Tuesday (Beef)
Breakfast - Smoothies
Dinner - Beef Tacos (soft tortilla shell, beef, lettuce, tomato, cheese with sour cream and salsa)

Wednesday (Vegetarian)
Breakfast - Pancakes, sausage, fruit
Dinner - Vegetarian Chili with fresh buns

Thursday (Chicken)
Breakfast - Eggs, turkey bacon, toast
Dinner - Chicken Tenders with veggies and dip, fruit

Friday (Vegetarian)
Breakfast - Cereal, milk, fruit
Dinner - Snack Platter (veggies with dip, fruit, cheese, crackers, pickles), homemade ice cream

Saturday (Pork)
Breakfast - Anything goes!
Dinner - Pork Pineapple Kabobs, rice, green beans

Photo Credit

Snacks this week will include:
  • crackers and cheese
  • veggies and hummus
  • yogurt with granola and fruit
  • oranges and almonds
  • apples with peanut butter
I'll be baking Chocolate Chunk Cookies!

PS!  Remember that we're giving away a gorgeous handmade denim bag made by Blue Jane's Handbags for Hope!  You can enter by letting us (and her!!) know that you appreciate her efforts.  After all, she has made over 1130 bags and given over $10,000 to charity!

You have 3 chances to win: 
1)  Comment on our Facebook Page.
2)  Comment on our original giveaway post.
3)  Comment on Blue Jane's Facebook Page.

But hurry, the giveaway ends Friday morning at 8am MDT! :D



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