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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Turn That Frown Upside-Down!

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This past weekend was not a highlight that we'll remember fondly into the future. It was more of a complete and utter gong-show. The weather had turned nice enough for the kids to play outside for hours on end, so after school they would zip through their homework and then play outside - they even had dinner outside a couple of times. Until the snow came. Again. *Sigh* Because we've let them stay up later than usual to play outside, they've been a bit stretched in the sleep department. *Sigh*

They were frustrated with the snow and all around crappy weather, so they didn't want to venture out, so they stayed in. And played. And fought. And sang. And played guitar (have I mention that our little guy strums for hours on end - and hasn't had a single lesson??). *Sigh* And fought. And watched DinoSquad. Loudly. And fought. And...well, you get what I mean. So, I had a brainiac moment and took them to the movie. We saw Rio. K watched like a charm.  We both loved the movie. C wanted nothing but to lay on the steps in the theatre - in the dim blue light and assemble his Kindertoy. I let him.

They were fighting before we got back to the car. *Sigh*

When we got home, it was a repeat of the playing, fighting, singing, guitar playing, fighting, DinoSquad, fighting...  And then on Sunday, it happened all over again.  *Bigger sigh*

Photo Credit
I felt like this for 2 days...
Flash Forward to this morning:  C was up at 6 am and ready to roll.  I sent him back to bed - the rule is, the kids stay in their bedrooms until 7.  They can play.  They can watch Netlix on the I-Pod.  They cannot play guitar or sing loudly.  They can sleep (okay, who am I kidding?) - you get the idea.  Thinking I had a load of time (read: 30 minutes), I jumped in the shower and as I was stepping out, I heard the pug-a-lugs scratching at the bathroom door. *Sigh*  The pugs sleep in a crate on the balcony of our bedroom.  Only DH and I let them out in the mornings so we can get them out to do their business outside.   But not this morning.  K with a big heart heard them whining and opened their crate.  But then she couldn't unlock the door to get them outside, so she waited for me to help.

At this point, I made a mental note not to be angry.  We were not going to have a repeat of the last two days.  We were not!  So we rushed the dogs out and all was well. *Sigh of relief*

Until I attempted to put on my bra.  My wet bra.  That was laying on my wet shirt, which was laying on my wet pants.  That smelled like dog pee.  I let out more than a *sigh*  before heading downstairs.

While coming down the stairs, I heard:

C:  Oh no!  Hurry K, she's coming!
K:  Hey Mom, you're fast - didn't you forget to do something upstairs?
C:  Hurry, K!  She'll catch us!  Put it down!
K:  Mom, don't come in yet!
C:  Ya mom, don't come in yet!

I let out yet another *sigh* of frustration wondering what the heck I'll have to clean up before feeding the kids and getting them dressed and getting them in the car and to school on time before I pick up groceries, clean the house, and get a blog post up before picking them up from school, taking them to K's orthodontist appointment, making dinner, doing homework, and getting them to bed on time so they're not grumpy in the morning *inhale! then sigh*

Photo Credit

I head into the kitchen to see the table perfectly set with plates, bowls, cups, cutlery, cereal, fresh strawberries and blackberries, and toast in the toaster.  They saw me and said, 'Surprise Mommy!'

And I let out a final *Sigh*.  Of gratitude and overwhelming love for my family.  Perspective was restored and I am extra-ordinarily grateful for happy, healthy, thoughtful, kind, busy, nutty kids.

I am a very lucky woman.  :)



  1. heartwarming!

    at the end of the day, even though you had a dozen (or more) sighs, your kids still love you! and that's what matters most.

    have a good day!

  2. That's awesome. Not the pee-part, but the happy surprise part :). I'll have to share that with my daughters to see if that get any ideas.

  3. @swexie

    Thanks Swexie! I don't know what I'd do without them! :)

  4. @Chad LaFarge

    Chad, it was pretty awesome! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  5. Yes, it is those truly heart warming moments when children show their immense love with such a simple act of making a wonderful surprise breakfast.

    I don't know about you, but my 3 seem to have a knack for doing sweet little things like this right when I am about to have a total parental breakdown. ;o) It makes being a parent totally worth it and reminds me, at least, why parenthood is such an amazing pee and all. :D
