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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Easiest, Most Delicious Bread/Pizza Dough Recipe on Earth

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Today's Wordy Wednesday is brought to you by the letters B (for bread) and P (for Pizza Dough).  The following recipe is for the easiest, most delicious bread and pizza dough recipe on Earth.  And I'm not exaggerating.  At all.  Honestly.

Photo Credit

This recipe has been adapted from a recipe from Judith Fertig's book: 200 Fast and Easy Artisan Breads: No-Knead, One Bowl.

Bread / Pizza Dough
Bread - makes 2 large loaves
Pizza - makes 4 round pans or 2 large rectangular pans

6 cups white flour
1.5 tbsp bread machine yeast
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp basil or oregano is optional for the pizza dough.

Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl.

Add 3-4 cups lukewarm water.  Start with 3 cups. Add up to one extra cup, as needed.  This sounds tricky, but it's really not - it is literally impossible to mess up this dough. 

Using a sturdy spoon, mix up the dough. If it's too dry, use water from 4th cup.  If you add too much water, add a bit of flour back in.

I like to spray a second large bowl with non-stick spray and transfer the dough there just to help it from sticking after rising.  I also spray a piece of plastic with non-stick spray and cover the bowl with it.

Turn the oven light on and toss the covered bowl into the oven.  The light creates enough warmth to rise the dough nicely.  Or, leave the covered bowl on the counter and cover it with a towel to keep it warm.

Let it rise for 2 hours and shape it into loaves or roll it flat to use for pizza.

Put dough into/onto greased pans. Let rise 40 minutes.

Bread - Toss the bread pans into the oven preheated to 375° for about 20 minutes.

Pizza - add sauce and toppings to raw dough.  Bake pizzas for about 20 minutes at 375°.



And don't forget that you can pack a slice of pizza or sandwich for lunch into a KangaSacAmber at Bummers Online is giving away a set of lunch bags - click here for details on the KangaSac Giveaway!  Contest ends on Thursday night - so hurry up and enter!   :D


  1. I've been toying with the idea of trying to make pizza dough. Thanks for the easy recipe!

  2. @melissasmeanderings

    Melissa, you seriously cannot go wrong! We haven't ordered pizza in well over a year - and we have this almost every weekend. It's so delicious! Good luck!


  3. DB hosts family pizza night often, and likes to try lots of different crusts... this is on this list!

  4. I can say first hand, any recipe Heather posts/shares/links to on here is completely worthwhile!

    If I follow what she says and the recipes she posts/shares, my husband actually thinks I am a great cook, when in actual reality I'm not even close... :Þ
