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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why Don't You Recycle?

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It's Earth Day next week and the snow is melting around here and both events remind me why I am committed to going plastic-free (as much as I possibly can), to help my family and our earth stay as healthy and vibrant as possible.

At the same time, every spring I end up in this mood, this confused and some what cantankerous mood, where I am scratching my head as the snow melts, looking at all the garbage left strewn about on the ground, (most of which is recyclable btw), and I wonder what on earth is wrong with people and why so many people don't recycle and why so many people think that continuous daily use of disposble products, especially plastic ones, is okay?!?!

I gotta admit, I just don't get it?
I promised myself I wouldn't carry on (like you all know I am prone to doing when I am passionate about something! :D ), so I'm just going to get to the point here.

There is something awful we have created and we've done this through our continuous use of disposable products, our ignorance in regards to reducing our overconsumption of products we don't even need, our lack of recycling efforts and our flat out arrogance with our heads in the sand thinking it won't affect us. Yes, we did this, we helped to create this toxic mess:

It's The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The vortex of plastic and garbage that accumulates in the Pacific Ocean, where it NEVER breaks down. Never. The plastics just get smaller and smaller and no, no, no, don't think that 'getting smaller' is good because it is not. Just because that plastic bottle you tossed in the garbage back in 2005 is now breaking apart into smaller pieces in the Pacific Ocean does not mean it is 'going away'.

Why is it not good you ask, why is it not going away?

It's not good because, to put it in very simple terms, almost all the marine life eats it, or ends up trapped by it somehow. It's not good because all the birds that depend on marine life for survival, well they can inadvertently eat it too because they think it is food and then they mistakenly feed it to their offspring. Just Google "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" and then click on "Images" to see what I mean...

And as for why it doesn't go away, well, because plastic does NOT EVER go away unless it is incinerated or recycled into something new. Let me ask you, what you do you think happens to living creatures, big and small, when they are literally eating plastic?


Well, when when living creatures are exposed to and/or eat plastic they can not survive.
Oh right! You don't eat plastic, so you are probably okay and this has nothing to do with you. Think again. Chances are the plastics are getting into your system too one way or another. Oh and just because it is BPA free does not mean it's okay, it just means, well, that it doesn't have BPA in it.

Oh I know, I know. You don't see all this so it doesn't affect you right? You put your garbage in that trusty plastic bag, put it out on the curb and forget about it. Well, whether or not you want to know, I am going to tell you just where it could end up and then maybe you will see why I am so confused about people who don't recycle:

Hey, did you catch the part where Oprah explained that this lovely garbage patch swirling around in the Pacific Ocean is TWICE THE SIZE OF TEXAS and 90 FEET DEEP? Twice the size of Texas. I'm going to say it again in case you didn't quite get it. There are 'patches' of garbage swirling around in the Pacific Ocean that are twice the size of Texas and 90 feet deep in some points. That is totally messed up  to put it mildly (that's the censored version of what I really said when I learned about this years ago).

I have to say, in my opinion, there is almost ZERO excuse to not recycle (and I say 'almost' because there is always a justifiable exception to every rule). Chances are if the city or town where you live doesn't automatically offer curbside recycling like they do garbage pick up, then someone has a business where they specialize just in going around and picking up people's recyclables for a nominal fee. And if those two aren't an option for you, then find a way to do it yourself. If you are a healthy, able bodied individual there is no excuse not to.

Feeling a little uncomfortable now that you have realized all that plastic you have thrown out in the garbage over the years is still around?

Well, take a deep breath, get over your guilt and take action. Do something about it and break this bad habit you have of depending on disposable one use products and then throwing those perfectly recyclable goods into the garbage.

Here's a secret - it's not difficult. I'm not telling you to co-ordinate a space mission with NASA every week and send your plastic water bottles to the moon here people! :D  I'm saying start recycling if you haven't already. Realize that it is easy and there is pretty much no excuse not to recycle. Find ways to reduce your dependence on plastic and disposable products.

Can you imagine the difference that can be made not only to the environment but also your health if you decided to cut out all your beverages that come in disposable conainers (ie water bottles, 'sports' drinks, any drink in a can, coffee to go, etc etc etc)?

If it comes in a disposable container, chances are you don't need it and it isn't doing your body any favours. Clean water comes out of the tap, and almost all bottled water, is tap water. It never ceases to amaze me that people will freak out about the cost of gas and then pay for bottled water, which actually costs more per litre most times and can be obtained for pennies (or less) very easily in our country. It's actually quite amusing when you think about it. 

I am by no means perfect, none of us are, but I am passionate about recycling and living as eco-friendly as possible on a very tight budget. To gear up for Earth Day 2011, I will share with you what I have done to help my family start going plastic free - my simple solutions that can have significant impact and hopefully some of my changes and ideas will help you and your family too. ♥

If you don't think that you personally can make a difference, I am here to tell you otherwise.

You can make a difference. It just starts with one small step at a time. It starts with you.

Stay tuned and goodness, start recycling if you haven't already! Just for today, make one small change and commit to it and let me know what it is so I can cheer you on! :D

PS If you are interested in knowing more about this atrocity which is also known as the "Largest Garbage Dump In The World", check out these links:

Better Planet, The World's Largest Dump: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

VBS.Tv's Toxic Garbage Island

PS Again! If you want to get started on getting rid of disposable products in your home the best way to start is with your food storage!

We have a great give away going on for a
KangaSac Litterless Lunch System courtesy of BummersOnline. Heather had the opportunity to try these out and give a review and every time I talk to her she can't stop raving about them! I was going to hold off until I made a trip out to Medicine Hat in the next little while and pick some up from Bummers directly, but I couldn't wait. :Þ Being the impatient Aries that I am, I had to try these for myself immediately, so I took advantage of the deal they have on free shipping and I ordered 3 sets today from Amber (she's the amazing and talented WAHM and owner of BummersOnline :D ) for my busy kids!

Check out our Friday Finds post from last week for all the nitty gritty details on how to win a KangaSac Litterless Lunch System (which is the KangaSac Reusable Lunch Bag, the KangaSac Reusable Sandwich Bag, and the KangaSac Reusable Snack Bag) valued at $31.85 USD!

Have a great week everyone!

With love and light ♥,