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Monday, March 21, 2011

Meal Planning Monday: March 14-20, 2011

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This week I'm trying a couple of new recipes, as well as some of our favorites.

Breakfast - Power Breakfast (from The Eat-Clean Diet for Men
Dinner - Mexican Pinto Beans with brown rice, broccoli (from The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged

Breakfast - Cereal, milk, fruit
Dinner - Pork Roast, roasted root vegetables, green salad

Breakfast - Mixed Berry Bars
Dinner - Pasta with Tomato Cream Sauce with spinach salad

Breakfast - Cereal, milk, fruit
Dinner - Chicken with Quinoa and Asparagus
** note: quinoa is pronounced keen-wah and it is not as scary as you think it might be!**

Photo Credit

Breakfast - Berry & Spinach Smoothie (and trust me - the kids don't even know about the spinach!)
Dinner - Beef & Bean Casserole, Rice or Fresh Buns, Carrots (even though the casserole is so good that the veggies never get eaten!)
**note: Beef & Bean Casserole must be eaten on a Friday - that leaves 2 days for ah... ya know... Oh, I'll just say it. The beans need time to leave your system...cough. Ya. And you don't want to take leftovers to work on Monday either. :D

Happy eating!


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