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Friday, March 18, 2011

We're Hip, Earthy, and LUSH! (And We Have a Giveaway!)

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Happy Friday Everyone! I am so happy it's the weekend! Hubby and I are off for a weekend without the kids and I am almost giddy about it! I am also almost giddy about today's post - we are Hip, Earthy, and LUSH... And we have a giveaway to boot!

First up, is a teriffic site that offers Shopping for Earth Loving Fashionistas!

 Hip to be Green offers stunning jewelry, hip accessories, delicious skincare products, and fine cosmetics - and the best part?  Everything is eco-friendly.  And vegetarian - in fact, over 75% of her items are vegan. And Canadian made. Take a look:

Jewelry is one-of-a-kind and never, ever includes leather, suede, or bone.

We are so happy to announce that Hip to be Green is currently offering one of our readers a chance to win a 30% off coupon code for anything in their store.  Enter to win by going to  our Facebook Page AND Hip to be Green's Facebook Page.  Once you become a fan of both of our pages, make sure you comment here or on the facebook pages, and you're set!  We'll announce the winner next Friday (March 25).

Do me a favor - click on over to Hip to be Green and their Facebook Page and enter to win their giveaway.  :)

Our second divine find is Earthly Remedies by Erin

 If you are looking for quality hand-made, all natural hand salves, hand creams, baby products, and pet care products, you have got to check her out!

She is incredibly busy making all sorts of goodies, like Basic Salve, which is a protective salves that works wonders on cracked hand and feet.

Her Baby's Butt Balm seems to be a huge hit with her customers, so if you have little ones in diapers, you should really check this out!

And, I'm happy to say that she has a giveaways going on as well at Cranky Cat Studio Baby and Toddler Fashion, so head over there and check it out!

And last but not least, I am happy to announce the winner of our second Great LUSH Giveaway!

Michelle C. will be receiving a $25 LUSH gift card so she can order some pampering to treat herself.

And that wraps up another episode of Friday Finds!  Have a terrific weekend!



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