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Monday, March 28, 2011

Breaking News Update - Please Contact Ron Bjorge by Thursday!

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A quick update from ZooCheck Canada:

Copied and pasted from their email newsletter I received this afternoon:

Despite years of complaints about grossly substandard conditions Guzoo Animal Farm in Three Hills, Alberta has repeatedly been given its permit to operate by Alberta Sustainable Resource Development (the provincial department responsible for zoo permits).

If you would like to voice your opinion, concerns, comments and/or opposition to the April 1st Guzoo permit renewal, please forward them by the end of day Thursday to:

Ron Bjorge
Executive Director
Wildlife Management Branch
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development

(780) 427-9503 (phone)
(780) 422-9557 (fax)

According to ZooCheck, this is the man in charge of renewing the license and the one we need to let know, that the permit for Guzoo should NOT be re-issued!

Thanks for your help!


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