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Friday, March 11, 2011

Donate To The Red Cross and Enter to Win!

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I have to confess I don't even really know what to say or what to write today. Considering what Japan is going through right now, everything that I have found this week to share just seems so trivial...

Today I am simply going to post some links to different agencies so you can donate, even a little bit, to the relief effort in Japan and other Pacific countries affected by this horrific natural disaster.

I am also going to make it more interesting for those kind hearts who are willing to help out!! :D

If you donate between March 11, 2011 to March 13, 2011 to the Japanese Earthquake Relief Effort, come back to our Facebook page and just let us know you did (you don't need to say how much). I will randomly select two (2) people and send them each $10.00 (ten dollars).

Further important details on the contest are at the end of this post. But first read on and find out how you can make a difference....

If you are in CANADA:

Visit the Canadian Red Cross and choose one of the following ways to help out:

* Donating online via the Canadian Red Cross
* Calling 1-800-418-1111

* By texting the word ASIA to 30333 to make a one-time donation of $5*

* By contacting their local Red Cross office. Cheques should be made payable to the Canadian Red Cross, earmarked “Japan Earthquake/Asia-Pacific Tsunami” and mailed to the Canadian Red Cross National Office, 170 Metcalfe Street, Suite 300, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 2P2."

The above information is copied directly from the Canadian Red Cross website.

If you are in the USA:

Visit the American Red Cross website and choose one of the following ways to help out:

~ Go to and donate to Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami.

~ Text REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific. (Note that this is different than the Canadian text number 30333)
~ If you are unable to donate online or via text message, please call 1-800-RED-CROSS

For other options to give and help out you can also visit the wonderful site .

Now inevitably during a crisis like this, there are the unsavory types who set up scams and like to take advantage of kind hearted people who are just trying to help. If you are in doubt to the legitimacy of a website or charitable organization, trust that feeling and investigate further before you give any information or money away. No legitimate charity will mind if you say you need to wait and check them out. The best place to visit to check out a charity's legitimacy is the Better Business Bureau.

Also, scams are prolific on Facebook and Twitter and have a tendency to look like they are coming from someone on your friends list (usually in the way of a virus or malware) so be suspicious and don't click the link. It's better to be safe than sorry. (MSNBC had a great article today on how to avoid being scammed when all you want to do is help out. Click here to head on over and read it.)

Now as for my little giveaway I mentioned earlier! Just follow these simple steps:

~ Donate to the relief effort through one of the ways listed above.

~ Come back to our Facebook page and let us know you did. Again, you do not need to say how much you donated, because it doesn't matter how much (and it really isn't anyone's business). Every little bit helps!

~ This contest closes March 13, 2011 at 8pm MDT. On Sunday night when the contest is closed  I will choose two (2) people randomly (using from our Significantly Simple Facebook page. I (Laila) will send them each $10.00 (ten dollars) in either US or Canadian funds, whichever is more relevant.

~ To qualify you must post or comment on our "Significantly Simple" Facebook wall that you donated to the earthquake relief effort for Japan/Asia Pacific and you must be a fan of our page (that is easy, just click "like" :D )

The two (2) winners will be contacted via Facebook messaging by 11:59 pm MDT March 13, 2011 and will need to write me (Laila) back to let me know how they wish to receive their winnings (***via PayPal or, for Canadians if you wish, Interact Email Money Transfer, but those will be the only two options. International winners, including Americans, can not be paid via Interact Email Money Transfer only Paypal***).

Winners will be posted here on our blog and as well on our Facebook page on Sunday night (with their permission first of course).

This is just our simple way of giving back to those who are giving and hopefully encouraging more people to donate. We are doing this on the honour system because we believe in karma and trust that our readers are honest. :o)
Be sure to spread the word and let people know that they can win by giving!

The word of the week has changed. It's not about "Winning!" it's all about "GIVING!!!!" ;o)

PS If you haven't read my earlier post on being prepared in the event of an emergency, you can read that here.

With love and light ♥,


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