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Monday, March 14, 2011

Meal Planning Monday: March 14-20, 2011

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Welcome to Meal Planning Monday! Every Monday I'll feature what my family is having each week. I won't include lunches, because we have whatever is left over from dinner the night before. I try my best to do three vegetarian meals and one beef, pork, and chicken meal. That leaves one night for leftovers or eating out. So here goes:

Breakfast - Cereal, milk, fruit
Dinner - Spaghetti with vegetable sauce and caesar salad

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Breakfast - Steel cut oats with raisins and nuts, milk
Dinner - Pork tenderloin with mushrooms & leek, rice, and lettuce & spinach salad

Breakfast - Cheesy eggs, fruit, yogurt
Dinner - Tacos stuffed with a choice of ground beef (or beans), tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, salsa, and sour cream

Breakfast - Fruit smoothies made with yogurt & protein powder
Dinner - Sweet & sour meatballs, rice, broccoli

Breakfast - Oatmeal with blueberries, milk
Dinner - Spinach and ricotta frittata, tossed Salad, toast

Breakfast - Eggs benedict, turkey bacon, fruit Salad
Dinner - Homemade Pizza loaded with veggies and meat

Snacks this week will include:
  • pineapple & sunflower seeds
  • crackers with hummus & cucumber
  • granola bar
  • apple with cheese or peanut butter
  • cucumber & laughing cow cheese
I try bake once a week and this week I'll make some chocolate chip slab cookies, as requested by my little guy.

If you need recipes for anything, let me know!

What are you having this week?


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