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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wordy Wednesdays - 29 Gifts by Cami Walker

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Yesterday I mentioned that last year I had started reading the book  "29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life" by Cami Walker, and how much I loved the premise of it. If you haven't read yesterday's post, go read it now and then come back and join me here. :D

After a quick Google search I found that there is also a very cool website dedicated to this and I have joined in hopes of turning my grief into something lighter and more positive instead of letting it consume me and turn me into a depressing, sludgy mess that it was quickly starting to.

So listen up my friends, this is what I want you to do, I want you to come along with me and join

All you need to do is go to and sign up. It's simple and of course you'll make a significant impact on someone else's life when you start this. (Sorry, I couldn't help the pun, I love our blog and our motto, what can I say? LOL)

Then you simply need to do is think of someone other than yourself and give one small thing away each day. It doesn't have to be big, it doesn't even have to cost anything. For example it can be your time or simply sitting quietly and sending good energy/prayers to a specific person. It's the intent that counts and the intent that it will benefit someone else (not today I'm going to say a good prayer for Jane and hopefully that will be enough for me to win the lottery on the weekend - that isn't what I am talking about here).

I'll confess that today I gave my kids the gift of 'me'. I don't mean that to sound as facetious as it probably does.  I've been so wrapped up in our move, packing and unpacking and then my brother's sudden passing and everything that goes along with a suicide for the survivors, that my poor kids were seriously lacking in my attention. Today I don't care about the dishes or what my house looks like, it is just all about my children having my time and attention and me loving on them they way they deserve.

I don't know what my gift will be tomorrow (I don't think that far in advance usually) but I am excited to wake up and think of what I can do to make someone else's day better!

What are you going to do? Comment down below and share with us! :o)

With love and light,


  1. I've signed up and my first 'give' is going to be to look people in the eye today. Have you ever noticed that people don't do that anymore? I'm going to invest in each and every person I'm in contact with today and look them in the eye - I think it's a little way of showing them that they count - they are important - they are worthy of a smile and a greeting.

  2. What a beautiful idea! I think my first gift will be just to listen to someone, truly listen and be there in the present with them...I think another one will be hugs,lots of hugs.

  3. I do notice that there isn't as much eye contact now - strange isn't it? I always make a very concerted effort to have eye contact and smile. It is amazing how some people do a double take and then their whole face lights up at the brief unexpected human connection and they smile right back! :D

    Miracle Mama, that is a great idea! I have to work on listening better too. In fact that will be my gift for today, to quiet my mind and *listen* and really truly hear people. I've been known to get all over excited about things and then unwittingly interupt before I forget what I want to say. :P LOL I really need to work on that. Me just keeping my mouth closed and waiting for people to finish their sentences would be a huge gift to the people iny life I'm sure! LOL :D
