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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What Can I Recycle?

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Although Laila and I are recycling fanatics, many of our friends are not (we're trying hard to convince them!). They say that it's inconvenient and they never know what can and cannot be recycled. We beg to differ!

Photo Credit

To help ease their recycling burden, I've come up with a quick list of basic items which can be recycled easily.  It's a good list for beginners.

  1. Pop bottles
  2. Household plastics (hint:  look on the bottom for a 'recycle' triangle with the numbers 1 through 7.  These are good!)
  3. Bags - check your local recycle depot.  Some cities have collection bins at local stores where the bags are collected and recycled on a larger scale.  We can put plastic bags into our recycle bin.
  1. Pop cans (soda cans for our American friends)
  2. Food cans - make sure to rinse them and remove labels.
Paper and Cardboard
  1. Newspaper and Magazine inserts
  2. Corrugated cardboard (cannot be waxy or greasy, so pizza boxes are usually a no-go)
  1. Food and beverage containers (bottles, jars, drinking glasses)

As I mentioned, this is a list that will get you started at recycling.  The list of recyblable items is more extensive, but if you're looking to get started, it's a great place to begin.   Let us know how you're making out with your recycling program!  :)



  1. I hate to say that I kind of agree that recycling is a bit of a hassle. The thing is, it's neccessary and not only that, where I live, it's MANDATORY. I was actually thinking about blogging about this too. I'll send everyone over here at the end of my post if that is OK with you guys...?
