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Monday, May 16, 2011

Meal Planning Monday: May 16-22, 2011

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This week is a change in our routine. I’m going back to work full time for the next 6 weeks (I’m really excited!) and the kids are in soccer and ball, which keeps us running 4 nights a week. Dinners this week have to be very quick (and still be delish) to enable us to get out the door  less than an hour after getting home. I’ll have to be creative in how I’ll get them on the table in time. How do you get in and out in a short time while still having dinner with your kids?

Monday (Vegetarian)
Spinach Fettuccine with Sauteed Vegetables, Artichoke Hearts and Shredded Mozzarella, tossed salad

Tuesday (Beef)
Mini Meatball Sandwiches, fresh beans, and carrot sticks

Wednesday (Vegetarian)
Summer Steamed Vegetable Packs (Clean Eating Magazine, July/Aug 2010, pg 48), homemade ice cream for dessert

Thursday (Chicken)
Janet and Greta’s Gourmet Chicken Burgers, veggies with dip, fruit with dip

Photo Credit
Friday (Vegetarian)
Eggplant Parmesan Melt, angel hair pasta, Caesar salad

Saturday (Pork)
Cilantro Chili-Lime Pork chops, baked potatoes, garlic-roasted asparagus

Photo: James Baigrie

Snacks this week will include:
  • Trail mix with fruit
  • Cheese and crackers
  • Apple and celery with peanut butter
  • Veggies with hummus
  • Yogurt and fruit parfait
This week I’ll be baking Overnight Cinnamon Rolls.

What'll be on your plate this week?



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