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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Handbook of Nature Study

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I am not a homeschooler (but Laila is!)  However, a couple of years ago we were really looking into it, and we found the most amazing website to help us learn about nature.

Although we are definately a 'green' family and spend a ton of time outdoors, we didn't really know a lot about the many, many, MANY things that nature has to offer.  I know we can't possibly be the only family who loves the outdoors, but don't know a lot about it.  When we came across Handbook of Nature Study, we were sold - hook, line, and sinker.  And I can (almost) promise that you will be, too.

The author of the site uses Anna Comstock's Handbook of Nature Study as a platform, and then gives you challenges and lessons to point you in the direction of learning something new and wonderful about the world around you.  The book will have one of these two covers:

The site's Outdoor Hour Challenge is for families who want to get out into nature but aren't sure where to begin.  The first step is to purchase a copy of Handbook of Nature Study, or view the book online here

Once you have access to the book, you will follow the site's suggestions for a nature activity (including those done with kids).  She also gives follow up activities such as a drawing in your nature journal or spending extra time studying something your kids are really into.  The activity will take no more than 20 minutes a week (unless you're having a great time with it!), plus about 20 minutes of reading for parents.

The activities and lessons are adaptable to your part of the world - just go with whatever your climate allows.  In the summer, our kids love their nature journals and never leave home without their sketch pads and box of pencil crayons.

Photo Credit

Speaking of Nature Journals, you can read about how to make them here.  You can see photos of Outdoor Hour Nature Journals for kids 8 and under and 9 and up on their Flickr page.  Nature Journals don't have to contain artwork that rivals famous artists - they are meant to be a special place to keep your child's connection to the world around him.

I know that we are chomping at the bit to get out and begin this summer's nature study with Handbook of Nature Study.  Will you join us?


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