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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Watch Your Words - They are Powerful!

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Words are powerful beyond measure. They can build someone up, but tear them down at twice the pace. Today I would like to encourage you to consider the power that your words have toward others.

What do you say to your kids every day? What should you tell your kids every day? What would you like you tell your kids every day? How about your husband or partner? Your siblings? Parents? Your best friend? How about a complete stranger?

I cannot tell you how often I tell my kids to "watch your words". Usually, it happens when they are in the middle of a bout of frustration or anger and I can usually monitor fairly well who it will be directed at. And when I can catch them before the words leave their mouths, I will say something like, 'think about what you're going to say' or 'how would you feel if they said that to you' or simply, 'watch your words'. Sometimes they do actually stop and consider what they are about to say. And often they decide to say it regardless of the impact it has on their brother or sister (or friend).

They are 5 and 7 yrs old. They are learning.

How old are you? Are you still learning?

I am 35 (there, I said it!) - and happy to still be learning. I am grateful for people (like Laura) who educate those who don't mean to say things that will offend, so we can all learn to think a bit more before powerful words pass our lips.

This Power of Words video is very powerful. Take a look.

When we know better, we do better. Watch your words and watch for the effect is has on you and others.


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