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Monday, August 29, 2011

Whoosh! And There Goes Summer...

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Omigosh it is almost September! What the heck?! It feels like I just posted yesterday and yet it has been well over a month already. Where does the time go?

So, did y'all think Heather and I fell of the face of the earth and forgot you? Ha! Not a chance! We love our little blog and writing about "this, that and everything in between" and we are super excited to get back at the keyboard in the next couple of weeks.

So, how is everyone? How was your summer? Anything new and exciting? Do tell!

I have to gush that I am absolutely fabulous! :D

We bought an acreage this summer that we take possession of on September 2nd and I am up to my eyeballs in the beautiful mess that comes with packing up a house and family of 5. It's quite the story of how it all came together (can we say "divine intervention"?!) and we're really looking forward to creating our own modern homestead, becoming self sufficient and living off our land as much as we possibly can. As 'crunchy' as I am, I also have to humbly admit I'm a total city slicker having grown up in Vancouver and Calgary - so you can be sure that you will get your fill of humorous stories detailing the ins and outs of all of us trying to adapt to a rural lifestyle! :Þ

The kids are excited to build chicken coops and get their chickens and I can't wait for the eggs our sweet little heritage hens will provide. At the same time I realize too, since we have a dream of doing a little bit of free range farming to raise our own meat and eggs, that I am actually going to have to learn to get over my um, fear of chickens and farm animals and well, I've never picked up a chicken before, let alone raised a flock (is that what they are even called? I don't even know for sure what a group of hens is called...I need "Raising Free Range Chickens For Dummies"...)

We (as a family and as a society) are so used to buying what we need, be it organic, free range and everything in between, that we are quite clueless and totally dependant on others for one of the necessities of life (food in case you are wondering what I am getting at here) and I think it is quite sad, really. Scary even. I can't wait to learn with my children about how to grow and make our own food, raise our own animals and not be so dependant on everyone else for our survival.

Most of all I am looking forward to the quiet, the space, the freedom the kids will have to run, play and learn hands on and to sound cliche, just get away from it all. It will be a wonderful learning experience for the entire family and something my husband and I have been dreaming about for years!

Well, that is my little recap of the summer! We had some great road trips, visited with our friends and family, I got my Level 2 Reiki and we bought our first home and acreage - to say it has been a wonderful summer would be an understatement. ♥

Heather and I will be back into the blogging swing of things again next week after the Labour Day long weekend. We have some great ideas swimming around in our heads that we are twitching to write about and even better, we have some fabulous give aways coming up for the next few months!

Be sure to stay tuned!

With love and light always,



  1. Congrats on your new house! I for one, am very interested in how it came to be, as I also nurture hopes of a hobby farm and a self-sufficient lifestyle one day. Where is it? How about work? The logistics are many.

    For lots of great info on 'chickens for dummies', I'd check out mother earth news, and the many many homestead blogs out there. Also your neighbors will likely be a source of a wealth of info.

  2. Congrats, congrats, congrats...sounds like you are about to embark on a wonderful journey!!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Meanderings
