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Monday, June 13, 2011

Nettle Smoothies, Kale Chips and More!

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Since Heather's computer has crashed and I don't really meal plan per se (I just go with what Heather posts a lot of times to be honest! :D), I thought it would be fun to look at a couple of great seasonal greens and some very cool things you can do with them that even I had never thought of!

I was peeking around on A Handmade Life and came across her post on Nettles. Now, you are probably thinking that Nettle is that awful nasty weed that can 'sting' you and make you rather itchy if you decide to play in it. Nettles are so misunderstood and really do deserve a better rap than they get. They are incredibly healthy and the list of their benefits is much, much longer than you probably realize!

"Since nettles contain numerous nourishing substances, they are used in cases of malnutrition, anemia, and rickets, and as a tonic to help repair wounds and broken bones. You can cook nettles and eat them as you would steamed spinach -- their taste and appearance are similar. Nettles are a healthy and tasty addition to scrambled eggs, pasta dishes, casseroles, and soups."

I've always had my Nettles in the form of a tea or tincture. I never thought of making ice cubes and smoothies out of them!

Pop over to A Handmade Life and see how Heather (yes, her name is Heather too!) whipped up some yummy smoothies with Nettle Ice Cubes. While you are there, (and you will be there a long time because her blog totally rocks!) be sure to also check out her other recipes for a super simple and tasty supper - Pasta with Greens and Chickpeas and her Apple Pie Muffins. Oh and her Granola! You have to try out her Granola Recipe, it is soooooooo yummy! *drool*

Okay, I will stop there because otherwise I'll be here all night linking to all my favourite spots on her blog!Click on over and see why she is one of my favourites (and prepare yourself to get absolutely nothing done for the next couple of hours while you get totally absorbed in her site)! I'm off for 10 days to my BFF's cabin and you can bet I will be on the hunt for Nettles to try this out myself (while stuffing my face with Granola too most likely :P)!

Speaking of being green...remember Nicole from Girl in a Boy House? She was one of our fabulous Guest Bloggers awhile back and since then she has started another awesome blog called Cooking in the Boy House. She is hysterically funny as always and she whips up some rather unique and tasty treats with ingredients you wouldn't think of using at first. Kale Chips are on my list to try out and you can bet I will definitely be making some of her Avocado Chocolate Mousse this week as well!

So, after hearing about Nettle Smoothies, Kale Chips and Avocado Chocolate Mousse, you're probably all ready to beg for Heather to come back to her Meal Planning Monday post aren't you? :D She'll be back next Monday with her regularly scheduled post of delicious meal plans and fabulous recipes! And in the event her new pc hasn't arrived by then, I pinky swear promise I'll share some other of my favourite sites and recipes that don't involve kale and nettles. :Þ

Before I sign off, I just wanted to remind you all of our awesome contest for a set of Noshpockets!

Entering is easy peasy but you only have until Friday! Get your entries in today so you don't miss out!

I hope you all have an amazing week!

With love and light ♥,



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