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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fabulous Noshpockets! A Product Review and Give-Away!

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Summer is almost here and that means the kids and I are out and about as much as possible. After our ridiculously long winter and being cooped up in the house, staying home is not on our list of things to do these days!

As a mom of three, the one thing I have found is that if you are leaving the house for any length of time, you need to have a steady supply of healthy snacks. Otherwise if you're like me, you'll find yourself with cranky kids that are quickly able to convince you to hit a drive through -  if anything just to bring the volume down while you wait in rush hour traffic to get home!

A few weeks back when I was shopping at my local Planet Organic here in Calgary I happened to come across Noshpockets and I have absolutely fallen in love with them!

I love that they are of course plastic free, easy to store, easily portable, easy for little fingers to open, super easy to clean (just toss in the washing machine if needed) and last but certainly not least, Noshpockets are made right here in Calgary! So when I buy them I am also supporting a local business! Win, win, win!

(For all our friends out there who don't live in Calgary, don't despair! No matter where in the world you live, you too can have your own stash of Noshpockets because you can order them online!)

In fact, Noshpockets are so popular here that they have been nominated for a Calgary Choice Award under the Best in Eco Friendly Product or Service! If you ask me, Noshpockets definitely deserve to win so if you like to support local home based businesses, especially those that make eco friendly alternatives to plastic then simply click here to vote and show your support! :D

Now, I am so happy with my little Noshpockets and completely impressed with how well they are made that I was bursting to share the love with our readers! I let Terry (the sweet, wonderful creator and founder of Noshpockets) know how much I loved them and we've teamed up together to host a give away for these cute little 'pockets!

That's right my friends, you have a chance to win a set of two Noshpockets, but you have to act fast because the contest closes on June 17th! That is one Noshpocket that is sandwich sized (7.5 x 6.25 inches) AND one Noshpocket that is snack sized (6 x 4.75 inches)!

How to enter the contest...

Entering is super easy and you have more than one chance to win! Oh and this contest is open to our readers around the world! As Canadians, Heather and I know know how super annoying it is to be left out of fabulous contests that are only open to residents of a specific country. So, we try our best to have give-aways that are inclusive to everyone. We have wonderful readers from around the world and we appreciate you all! :o)

To be entered in the contest you simply need to head on over to the Noshpockets product page (<--- just click that link there) and check out all the great patterns and fabrics Terry has for these cute and totally eco friendly alternatives to ziplock baggies and plastic sandwich bags! Decide which two designs are your favourites!

Once you've decided which Noshpockets designs are your faves, simply do just one of the following (or all of them for more chances) to win:

Leave a comment here on our blog letting us know which designs you will choose if you win!

Leave a comment on the Facebook page of Noshpockets letting Miss Terry know which fabric designs are your favourites! She's just getting started with social media so make sure you show her some Facebook love! :D

Leave a comment on our Significantly Simple Facebook page telling us which fabric designs are your favourites!

Tweet us your Noshpocket favourites using the hashtag #noshpockets. Our Twitter ID is @EcoDivasCanada

Tweet the contest on Twitter with a link to this post (so people know what to do to win!) and also use the hastag #noshpockets so we can count your entry!

Spread the word on your own Facebook page or personal account (or both!) letting others know about this awesome hand made eco friendly product and the contest we have going on! Make sure you use the Facebook tag @Noshpockets or @SignificantlySimple so we know! If you don't tag at least one of our Facebook pages then we won't know and you don't want to lose out on an extra couple of chances to be entered right? And yes if you mention it on your page and your personal account that will count as two entries. :o)

♥ If you have a blog simply mention this post and this Noshpockets contest on your site for another chance to win!

That is up to EIGHT chances to win a fabulously adorable eco friendly set of Noshpockets!

And because it's summer time, we've made this contest run a little longer. Instead of our normal weeklong contest, this giveaway will run for 10 days until 8am MDT on June 17th. Our contest winner will be announced on our Friday Finds post for June 17th. The winner will have until the following Monday (June 20th ) to respond to us via email (SignificantlySimple letting us know their address to send the Noshpockets to and of course letting us know their fabric design choices! If we don't hear from the winner by June 20th then a new winner will be chosen. The winner is chosen via

Have a fabulous week everyone!

Better and better,


  1. I would choose the 'Owls' and 'Jacks' patterns if I won!
    penguinjo99 at gmail dot com

  2. tweeted my fav patterns:!/wilderlady/status/78234899873660928
    penguinjo99 at gmail dot com

  3. Thanks for letting us know Jen! We've got your entries counted! :D

    ~Laila ♥

  4. Love the Ladybugs and the Flowers! So cheerful! I love the idea of these...much less bulky than the tupperware I usually cart around!

  5. I'd go for owls and love! Looks like a great product.

  6. My favorite designs are Flowers-green and Ladybugs.
    ro20del at

  7. I'd probably pick the Ladybugs design
    ro20del at
