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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Recycled Eyeglasses = Bright Futures

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This morning after I got dressed, I chose which pair of eyeglasses I'd wear today. I have 4 pairs to choose from. Well, techinically, I have 2 pairs to choose from. One is an old pair that have become too wide for me to wear. The second non-option is a brand-new pair of glasses I ordered online. The arms are a bit short and my eyelashes touch the lenses when I wear them. So that leaves 2 pairs that I wear, depending on mood and color choice.

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I've been thinking (for about 5 years now) that I should really donate them, but I haven't taken the time to figure out where I should drop them off or mail them. I mean, the need couldn't possibly be that great, could it?

WRONG!  I was absolutely, embarassingly, naively wrong.  Plain and simple.  According to the World Health Organization, 150 million people in the word need to have their eyes tested or need glasses.  Imagine a man trying to support his family, whose work options are severely limited due to poor eye sight.  Imagine a child and their infinite potential - if only they could see the board clearly.  Imagine a mom who can't read to her child because she can't afford a pair of eyeglasses.  And I couldn't decide which pair to put on this morning...

Today I stopped thinking about donating and found information - that I'm thrilled to share with you.  I'm guessing that if you've bought a new pair of glasses in the last five years, you still have an old pair kicking around somewhere and if you do, I encourage you to toss them in the mail.  Today.  Not next week.  Today.  :)

Photo Credit

Once I began looking, I found copious organizations who accept eyeglasses on behalf of those in third world countries.  There are also many retailers who collect used glasses to send to organizations, so if you don't live near a donation center, be sure to call your optometrist or eyeglass store to ask if they accept used eyeglasses.

Canadian Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center (CLERC)
Third World Eye Care Society Canada

One Sight
Click here for Lions Club recyling center locations in Alaska, Arizona, California and Nevada, Indiana, New Jersey, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.

Lions Recycle for Sight

Gift of Sight

Other countries
Find a Lions Club near you.

I know we are all busy - it seems we can't sit down for five minutes without the kids needing something, the phone ringing, making dinner, or a zillion other things, but please take five minutes to make a call to find out where you can mail or drop off your used eyeglasses.  This donation is techinically free, because the glasses are just sitting there - doing nothing, when they could be changing someone's life. 

What if you don't wear glasses?  I'm happy to say that all of the organizations listed above will gladly accept monetary donations as well.  :)

Well, I'm off to make my phone call - will you?

PS - And don't forget to head over to our Facebook Page to enter our Share to Show You Care Contest!



  1. You can drop them off at Reg's Deli in Southridge....they have a box floating around there with the Lions club I think.
