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Sunday, April 17, 2011

48 Hour Mini Contest - Our Share to Show You Care Party on Our Facebook Page!

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The one thing we love, love, LOVE over here at is being able to 'meet' other bloggers, writers, artisans, designers and multi talented individuals who are often working/writing from home and trying to make a difference in the world with their words, creations and so much more.

If you have a blog, website, Etsy store or any other online presence, come and tell us about it because we're having a "Share to Show You Care" party right now on our Facebook Page!

What is a "Share to Show You Care Party" you ask?

Well, we're just going to put this in point form so everyone knows what we are talking about. Because we have a whole circle of love going on and we don't want anyone to be left out!

  • If you have a website, blog, Etsy store, online store, a book you have published, a Facebook page etc etc etc - share your links on our Facebook Page so everyone can see them!
  • Once you have shared your pages/site links on our wall be sure to check out your other fellow website owners/bloggers/writers/Etsy Artists/etc to let them know you care! "Like" their page, become a fan and leave them a message letting them know you appreciate their talents and hard work! If you don't know what to say, just let them know you are fanning from @SignificantlySimple and to come join our party!
There is a wonderful twist to our party that benefits everyone who "shares" with us!

We have a $20 gift certificate we are giving away to one of our randomly chosen fans, but only if we have 100 people who have "shared" the link to their website/blog with us at the party on our Facebook Page by 11pm MDT Tuesday April 16th, 2011! This party is only for 48 hours!

**What we will do when the party is over is:

  • We will choose one of our lucky fans that "likes" our Facebook page and they will win a $20 gift certificate!! That's right, as long as you are a fan of our site (or as Sally Field would say "You like us! You really, really like us!" :Þ) you have a chance to win, whether you have shared a link with us or not! Oh and remember, if you post on our wall and "share" your site with us, well you are automatically a fan, because you can't do that if you aren't! :D
Here's the twist - our favourite part! The way this is even better than a normal contest is because:
  • The winner gets to choose where to spend it out of all the people who shared their site during our party. So if you have a product/service/book/website that accepts advertising etc be sure to let us know because you might win as well if our winner chooses to spend their $20 with you!
So you've shared your links/Facebook page on our wall, you've found some other great people and places online to 'like/fan' show your support, now what can you do? Spread the love, let everyone know right away because this party won't last forever!

"Share" this party with anyone you think would like to win a $20 gift certificate and tell them that they need to be a fan of our site on our Facebook page in order to have a chance to win. That's it! Remember, every single fan of ours has a chance to win a $20 gift certificate from anyone who has shared their site with us during this party!

Do you have a favourite place local or online that you would like to spend the $20 at if you win, or a favourite blog that you feel is worthy of love and extra attention with some more traffic and fans? Well then make sure you "share" this party with them too and let them know to come and post where they are!

Think about it...that $20 could be towards a great magazine subscription, your favourite Etsy store, website design, photographer, artist, fitness instructor, someone selling their book on Amazon (as long as the author popped by to share the link to their book with us!), your favourite eco-friendly store (local to you or online - everyone is welcome at our party!) and anything else in between.

See the circle of love happening here my friends? :D

Even just by sharing your site/page you win because you get the chance to let more people know about it, and then you get a chance to win 2 more times (with the gift certificate or if someone chooses to spend it with at your site)!

We all work hard and put a lot of effort into our blogs, Etsy creations, books we write, businesses etc and knowing that people appreciate our efforts and enjoy it means a lot right? Right!

So please remember, it is important to "like/fan" people back too to show your support of your fellow online collaborators. That is the whole point of this 'party'!

Hurry hurry! The contest closes on Tuesday at 11pm MDT or at 100 shares, whichever comes first!

So what are you waiting for? Let's get this party started! :D


PS - You can click here to read the "House Rules" for our party. :o)