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Monday, March 28, 2011

Meal Planning Monday: March 27 - April 2

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Monday (Vegetarian)
Breakfast - Oatmeal Protein Smoothie
Dinner - Orzo Primavera, grilled zucchini, tossed salad

Tuesday (Beef)
Breakfast - Cheesy Eggs, toast, strawberries
Dinner - Beef and Bean Burritos, carrot sticks, tossed salad

Wednesday (Vegetarian)
Breakfast - Cereal, milk, apples
Dinner - Veggie Wraps (lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, sprouts, hummus, avocado, shredded carrots, onions, etc - as long as you have enough variety to make a big, bulky wrap, it will be hearty enough for a meal - and I have a 6'6", 300+ lb husband who says so!)

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Thursday (Chicken)
Breakfast - Steel Cut Oats (with coconut, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, and maple syrup), fruit
Dinner - Grilled Chicken and Veggie Skewers, rice, fruit salad

Friday (Vegetarian)
Breakfast - English Muffin Breakfast Pizzas, orange segments
Dinner - Chili-Lime Potato Nachos, veggies with dip - I think this will be perfect movie night fare!

Saturday (Pork)
Breakfast - Cottage cheese pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries, turkey sausage
Dinner - Hawaiian and Vegetarian Pizza with the most divine home made crust on.the.planet. I load up the veggie pizza, so I don't usually worry about adding a vegetable side dish.

Snacks this week will include:
  • Cheese and crackers
  • Banana bread
  • Ants on a log (celery, peanut butter, raisins)
  • Fruit
  • Yogurt parfait (yogurt, fruit, granola)
I'll be baking banana bread this week.

What is on your menu for the week?


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