This week however has been a whopper with everything going on between the shootings in Arizona and a certain mother with a superority complex judging western parenting (she said it, I didn't!) while she is trying to sell books, it makes me ask, "can't we all just get along?"
I've been on countless message boards from the uber crunchy to the more mainstream and the one thing that *always* comes out at one point or another is judgement and condemnation of others and how they raise their children, what they believe in, their political point of view, right down to how they choose to give birth and put their children to bed.
I'm sure you've seen those posts. The ones where the mom innocently asks the best way to get her baby to sleep and before you know it, it's a mud slinging drama fest on the best ways of parenting, people pick sides and it becomes an 'us versus them' mentality.
The stupid thing is, is that not very often are people's minds changed at the end of it all. Vitriol, name calling, acts of superiority and judgement, don't make people want to see the other point of view. Just sayin'.
At the end of the day, don't we all have the same goal more or less? Isn't that is to live in a world that is peaceful and raise children to be decent, kind, successful human beings so that they can go out into the world and be productive and good citizens?
Quite often how many of us behave (especially online) we would be horrified to see or hear our children behave the same way.
So I found two quotes for today's Friday Find:
~Dalai Lama
“The highest form of wisdom is kindness”
~The Talmud
We all have times where we need to remember that kindness, caring and compassion trumps all. This week is one of them. Make those quotes your mantras.
With love and light ♥,
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